Denton County, TX, 4 JULY 2017 – Two hundred and forty one years ago today our forefathers set us on a course of action that would require great sacrifice to overthrow the chains of a King that were upon what would later become the United States of America. While we have removed the yoke of King George from our necks nearly a quarter of a millennial ago, we have become yoked to other forms of tyranny and replaced a King with politicians that work to line their pockets at our expense.

I am not here to mourn the end of freedom but to celebrate Independence Day, a new beginning where we choose not to be yoked to an overly oppressive state and choose not to be ruled by the political elite.  Join me in choosing to elect new leadership that will reduce government, stay out of your bedroom and bathroom, leave family matters to the family, will focus law enforcement upon the need to protect and serve versus shoot and kill, will respect the constitution by not limiting free speech, not take away your guns, and not search or collect information on you without warrants.

To that aspect I urge you to join with us, the Libertarian Party of Denton County, and celebrate your independence on this Fourth of July.  We need citizens who are dedicated to the freedom our fathers fought and died for.  We need citizens to run for office as part of the Libertarian ticket instead of lifetime politicians. As a citizen and not a career politician, I am proud to announce my candidacy for Denton County Commissioner, Precinct No. 2.

 Are sick and tired of career politicians, lawyers, and wealthy elite who put themselves first and your family last?  If so, isn’t it time to give them the boot? Over the next several months I will diligently work to find other citizens of Denton County to join me in running for office, putting freedom first in Denton County and putting an end to big government politics of the left and the right.  Join us working towards a new prosperity based upon freedom from bigger and bigger government and higher and higher taxes. 

Property taxes in Denton County are too high and increasing faster than wages. Just because your home value has increased doesn’t mean your income to pay higher and higher property taxes has kept pace.   When elected to office I promise to vote to freeze residential property taxes. As a homeowner I feel the burden of property taxes and vow to fight to lower them.

County Commissioner is not a job for life.  It is time for a change. Ron Marchant is a professional politician who has been County Commissioner for the past decade and before that 12 years as a Justice of Peace. After 20 plus years on the government dole isn’t it time for a change in leadership in Denton County by electing someone who isn’t a professional politician.

I will vote to freeze salary increases for the County Commissioners when elected.  Over the past 4 years commissioners have voted themselves a fat pay hike of 18% with your money. If Social Security and other pensioners can survive on near zero cost of living increases our elected officials can as well.

As a Veteran I understand Veterans issues better than a flag waving politician.  I am proud to be an active member of the American Legion and the VFW. Instead of voting for politicians that claim to support Veterans, you can actually vote for a Veteran that has supported other Veterans in need.

Substance abuse is a medical condition and should not be a law enforcement issue.  Denton County shouldn’t be locking up citizens whose only crime is addiction but should only concentrate on pushers.  Denton County needs a confiscate and release policy for substance abuse users.  Instead of criminal fines, addicts should be directed to low cost or no cost counseling programs.

I want Denton County to be open for business. I will not support discriminatory legislation that hurts employers and employees. Foreign born workers, international trade and students are vital aspect to the growth and prosperity of Denton County. Local law enforcement is not trained and equipped to act as custom and border agents. While they should not be prevented in supporting federal agencies when requested, they should not be the front line in enforcing immigration in Denton County.

In my lifetime I have worn many hats: one being a child from a poor family of seven, one growing up in an economically stagnant town without opportunity or hope, one as an service member in the Air Force, one as the first college graduate in my family, one as father and a family provider, one working for the State of Texas, one for working in the private sector, one as a Veteran and volunteer, and one of leadership roles within the Libertarian Party of Texas.  I hope to add one more hat and that hat is to serve you as the next Denton County Commissioner.

As Ronald Reagan once said ” Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” As a Libertarian I am no friend of government and taxes. I want to put you the taxpayer first and government last. When taxes and government spending rise faster than your real wages, the system is broken.  Politicians always promise to fix the broken system but only replace one failed system with another.  If elected, I promise to fight to cut your County property taxes, reduce government when and wherever I can, and not to make criminals out of ordinary folks just living their life.

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ABOUT:  The Denton County Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party was established in 1971 and is the 3rd largest political party in the United States. In the 2016 General Election we had 14Libertarian candidates on the ballot in Denton County and they earned a cumulative total of 253,815 votes. James Felber has been Chair of the Denton County Libertarian Party since 2014.

James Felber


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