You’re a busy person. You deserve to relax. In fact, you NEED to relax. Because your stress is quite literally killing you. And no one deserves to die. Countless studies have shown that leisure activities help reduce stress, and as a result, reduce stress related health problems. Because I don’t want you to die, I say you have a RIGHT to relax.
Tag: Trumpcare
Way back when I was an undergrad in Chemistry, I did laboratory work with Heteropolytungstates in an aqueous environment. Don’t let the jargon put you off. Hetero means different. Poly means many. Tungstates are combinations of tungsten and oxygen. In other words, these were really big molecules with many different elements in them. Aqueous environment simply means in water. I have forgotten what it was I was actually trying to accomplish (something to do with paints and coatings) but I did produce a lot of pretty colored stuff.